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Julie Lopez Shoes is now JL Devora 

Store Policy

Privacy & Safety

We do not sell your personal information. Any aggregated data is used only to determine stock and restocking requirements. Like you, we shop and patronize businesses. We understand the importance of data privacy and work diligently to protect and keep our customer's data private. We do not store or retain any unnecessary data.

Use of Website Policy

You understand that using the JL Devoera website will expose you to User Submissions from various sources. JL Devora is not responsible for the accuracy of users' content, feedback, and reviews. By submitting feedback, reviews, or content on JL Devora products, you automatically grant us perpetual, royalty-free, irrevocable nonexclusive right and license to use, modify, adapt, reproduce, publish, translate, and display such materials or incorporate such materials into any form or technology for our usage.

JL Devora does not permit infringement of intellectual property rights on its website. We respect and honor the rights and experiences of our customers. By using our platform website and interacting with us on various social media outlets, you hereby agree to refrain from submitting (a) any materials that violate or infringe on the proprietary rights of any other person; (b) any materials that are obscene, threatening, pornographic, indecent, or defamatory under any law; or (c) any program, viruses, bugs including any harmful code or third-party program property.


JL Devora provides the website on an "As Is" and "As Available" and does not represent any warranty. By accessing, using, and interacting with the JL Devora website or social media accounts, you hold JL Devora officers, employees, parent company, and agents harmless and waive liability for any inaccuracy, errors, or mistakes. This waiver of liability includes any unauthorized access to or use of our secure servers and/or any personal and financial information that is intercepted, captured, or hacked from our website, platform, apps, or servers.

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